David Dollar
Senior Fellow in the John L. Thornton China Center, Brookings Institution
David Dollar is a Senior Fellow in the John L. Thornton China Center at the Brookings Institution. Prior to joining Brookings, Dollar was the U.S. Treasury’s Economic and Financial Emissary to China, based in the U.S. embassy in Beijing (2009-2013). In that capacity he facilitated the macroeconomic and financial policy dialogue between U.S. and Chinese policy-makers. Prior to joining the Treasury Dollar worked 20 years for the World Bank. Most recently he served as Country Director for China and Mongolia, based in Beijing (2004-2009).
His other World Bank operational assignments primarily focused on Asian economies, including South Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Bangladesh, and India. From 1995 to 2004 Dollar worked in the World Bank’s research department. His published research focuses on economic reform in China, globalisation, and economic growth. Prior to joining the World Bank he taught Wconomics at UCLA, during which time he spent a semester in Beijing teaching at the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (1986). He has a PhD in economics from New York University and a B.A. in Chinese history and language from Dartmouth College.
Recent work by David Dollar
The US-China trade deal: An opportunity to reignite growth?
A new trade deal could open opportunities for foreign and domestic private firms if China is willing to open sectors and protect intellectual property
Published 10.05.19