What happens when investments targeting women’s microbusinesses go to men? Previous estimates of returns to microfinance for women are low partly because they often use it to invest in businesses that are not their own Finance Arielle Bernhardt Erica Field Rohini Pande Natalia Rigol Published 27.01.20
Give women credit A series of experiments in India provide insights into ways microfinance can be refined to strengthen its impact for the world’s poorest women Finance Erica Field Rohini Pande Published 27.09.19
Understanding the average effect of microcredit Microcredit trials show only moderate variation in effects across different settings, suggesting that the average effects of these loans are small Methods & Measurement Rachael Meager Published 07.01.19
Evidence to practice: Unintended consequences in the absence of data Rodger Voorhies shares a first-hand account of the importance of empirical analysis for development practitioners Finance Rodger Voorhies Published 29.08.18
Measuring the equilibrium impacts of credit: Evidence from the Indian microfinance crisis Revoking access to microcredit was costly – and not just for the households that borrowed Finance Emily Breza Cynthia Kinnan Published 22.06.18